How to apply powdered face wash

How to use a face cleanser that is a powder is a frequently requested subject at Krya. Since we solely sell Ayurvedic powder face and body cleansers, we hear this question a lot. Using raw, natural food components to gently cleanse skin is a popular new trend in skin care, with everyone from high-end physicians to big-box retail firms endorsing the advantages. The frequently cited example involves using matcha tea powder or fine rice grains, which is a traditional Japanese face-cleansing method.

Read More: natural face wash powder online

However the knowledge of Ayurvedic skin care is just as old, if not older. For thousands of years, Ayurvedic practitioners have gently cleansed skin using a carefully blended mixture of grains, lentils, and powdered herbs.

The items are more than just cleaners. We employ formulas that help regulate Pitta, enhance microcirculation, balance oil, lessen mild inflammation, and support the skin’s flora.

Does traditional ayurvedic skin care include an ayurvedic face wash?

Oil application, Mukha lepana (face masks), and cleaning with finely ground cleansing powders are the traditional Ayurvedic regimens recommended. This is customized based on prakriti, season, and necessity.

Since face skin was well-oiled before to bathing, skin was usually cleansed during Snana using a combination of astringent and cleaning powders. This was frequently followed by a thick layer of turmeric powder application to improve natural radiance, eliminate extra oil, and shield skin from microbial invasion.

Pre-oiling the skin is therefore highly valued in the Ayurvedic skin care routine as a preventative strategy against weathering and thinning of the skin. The Ayurvedic literature recommend a broad range of oils, including particular face oils like Kumkumadi tailam and Chandanadi tailam for varied skin types and requirements.

The skin care routine of today is entirely different from this one. With today’s skincare routine, skin is cleaned “dry,” meaning no oil is applied beforehand. Compared to body skin, face skin is already thinner and more fragile, so this is even tougher on it. A distinct face cleanser that is prepared and processed differently from body washing is required for dry cleaning.

Face skin is now far more sensitive and fragile than it was even thirty years ago. Factors such as excessive exposure to cold air (from air conditioning), dust, high heat from the urban heat island effect, dry direct scrubbing, high caffeine and processed food intake, and high heat from the sun all play a part.


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